Fall Hikes//

As mentioned in my last post, I went home to visit family for half of my Thanksgiving weekend. I spent quality time with my best friend and my mom and I also went apple picking! It was so great to see the both of them.

We shared lots of laughs, stories, and more importantly-food. My mom and I relived our old traditions of going to the mall and indulging in New York Fries, and nothing has ever felt so satisfying in my life.

We had family dinner full of roasted veggies, steak, beer, dessert…what more can you ask for? We watched some of my all time favourite movies including Lilo & Stitch, and it was just a feel-good time. This is what I’m thankful for. To be surrounded by my loved ones, and relaxing with old traditions.

Late Sunday afternoon, I head back to Ottawa, and on Monday morning, embarked on a little journey to Gatineau park with my best friend. We had breakfast, lots of laughs and coffee, before hopping on the free shuttle over to the park. We decided to go to Pink Lake because that was the most “picturesque” one. However, the weather was terrible. It was raining heavily all morning, and it only began to clear up as we were finishing the trail. Nevertheless, it was an amazing time, filled with beautiful views, and I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my Thanksgiving Monday anywhere else or with anyone else.

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